Aligning my skills and my passion to make a difference for those who are doing good.

My name is Shiri Takacs. I was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa where I studied Graphic Design and Visual Communications. Fast forward 6 years post graduation, I made the connection, took my blinders off, and became an ethical vegan, environmentalist and activist. These two aspects of my life are important here, as The Vegan Designer became a combination of my skills and my passion.

I have 10 years experience in the design industry including, but not limited to branding, packaging, promotional materials and website design. I’ve also worked on marketing campaigns and design solutions for big events such as SoCal VegFest and L.A Vegan Street Fair.

I work alongside other vegan professionals offering green printing solutions & packaging, user experience design and website development and coding. The Vegan Designer is a full-service design hub at a fraction of the cost of a design agency.

I'm a proud member of The Vegan Trade Council.


Find me on My Vegan Directory.


 This year, I decided to take my skills and my passion one step further, and I've created a resource to help find vegan, cruelty-free, allergen-free natural product alternatives. Choose Kind is intended on helping people make a positive difference in the world for animals, their health, our environment and other people through their buying and daily habits!

